# Path - A Set of Points

# Class Summary

Path(ArrayList<Pose2d> points)

Represents a path...

# Usage

You make an ArrayList, and you pass it into the class. It represents the points that the robot will pass through. If you don't like Pose2d and prefer to use lists for some reason, Pose2d.fromList(double[]) exists. It takes 3 doubles: x, y, and theta. Have fun :D

Just pass the current gyro angle into the Pose2ds if you don't want the robot to rotate. It's also in radians like everything else in Quail.

You can cycle through the points using a few things, like getCurrentPoint(), getNextPoint(), and getPointRelativeToCurrent().

Because some users had difficulty with these, we added some builtin nearest point utils: nearestPointIndex() and nearestPoint().